Clip Details
- Window
- Indoors
- Day
- Art
- Art Studio
- Artist
- Modern Art
- Obscured Face
- Casual Clothing
- Hat
- Medium Shot
- Handheld
- Less Than 10 Seconds
- Real Time
- Text
- Western Script
- Poster
- Bending Over
- Alternative Lifestyle
- Creativity
- Individuality
- One Person
- One Mid Adult Man Only
- Inside
- Interior
- Daytime
- Art And Craft
- Studio
- Artist's Studio
- Atelier
- Creative
- 20th Century
- Modernist
- Modernism
- Unrecognizable Person
- Clothing
- Headdress
- Hand Held
- Hand-Held
- Realtime
- Real-Time
- Words
- Script
- Latin Alphabet
- Roman Alphabet
- Uniqueness
- Unique
- Individual
- Commercial Sign
- Activity
- Bend Over
- Bent Over
- Lifestyles
- Movement
- Christian Gruner
- Youth
- Youth Culture
- Young
- art
- window
- studio
- man
- alone
- artwork
- artist
- Clip ID
- StalkrCGR548
- Duration
- 00:04
- Resolution
- 1920 × 1080
- License Type
- Commercial & Editorial
- Camera Style
- Movement
- Talent Release
- Talent Release On File
- Property Release
- No Property Release But None May Be Required